Updated e-referral questionnaires to open Sept. 29 for BCN and Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO

Starting Sept. 29, 2019, updated questionnaires will open in the e-referral system for certain procedures. In addition, updated preview questionnaires and authorization criteria will be available on this website.

We use our authorization criteria and medical policies and your answers to the questionnaires when making utilization management determinations on your authorization requests.

Updates to existing questionnaires

Updated questionnaires will open in the e-referral system starting on Sept. 29 for the following services:

Preview questionnaires

For all of these services, you'll soon be able to access preview questionnaires on this website. The preview questionnaires show the questions you'll need to answer in the actual questionnaires that open in the e-referral system. This can help you prepare your answers ahead of time.

To find the preview questionnaires:

Authorization criteria

We'll also update the pertinent authorization criteria on the Authorization Requirements & Criteria pages.

Posted: September 2019
Lines of business: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network