Recommendations for submitting authorization requests for medical oncology drugs to AIM

Here are some recommendations to follow when submitting authorization requests for medical oncology drugs to AIM Specialty Health®:

When you follow these guidelines, the process of reviewing authorization requests goes more smoothly and takes less time.

The information in this message applies to all members whose plans require authorization of medical oncology drugs by AIM:

How to submit authorization requests

For medical oncology drugs, submit authorization requests to AIM using one of the following methods:

For information about registering for and accessing the AIM ProviderPortal, see the Frequently asked questions page on the AIM Specialty Health website.*

Lists of requirements

To see the requirements related to drugs covered under the medical benefit, including medical oncology drugs, refer to:

The specialty medications on these lists are administered in outpatient sites of care, including a physician's office, an outpatient facility or a member's home.

*Clicking this link means that you're leaving the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network website. While we recommend this site, we're required to let you know we're not responsible for its content.

Posted: April 2020
Lines of business: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network