Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice requirements clarified

We're clarifying the requirements for notifying Medicare Advantage members using the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice form.

Here's when hospitals need to notify members

Hospitals must use the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice form, available on the CMS website* under Downloads, to notify Blue Cross Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO and BCN AdvantageSM members that they're receiving outpatient, rather than inpatient, services when a member is:

For Medicare Advantage members in these circumstances, hospitals must present the member with a completed Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice. This is a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requirement.

Hospitals should also review the instructions for notifying members using the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice.

Here's when hospitals do not need to notify members

When Blue Cross or BCN has approved an inpatient admission, there's no need to notify the member using the form. When the member is not being considered for inpatient care, there's no need to notify either the member or the plan.

*Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan doesn't own or control this website.

Posted: April 2018
Lines of business: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network