Correct fax number for submitting post-acute care discharge information to naviHealth

It recently came to our attention that some of our documents contained an incorrect fax number for sending post-acute care discharge information to naviHealth. We've updated the documents to include the correct fax number, which is 1-844-729-2951. The incorrect fax number contained the last four digits: 2591.

Providers who sent discharge information to the incorrect fax number before July 13, 2019, should be aware that naviHealth didn't receive it. The fax attempt failed and no one received the information.

If you faxed discharge information and you didn't receive a fax confirmation, or you aren't sure that naviHealth received the fax, resend the information. If naviHealth doesn't receive discharge information within the expected time frame, a naviHealth care coordinator will follow up with the facility.

We apologize for any confusion.

As a reminder, naviHealth manages authorization requests for Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO and BCN AdvantageSM members admitted to post-acute care on or after June 1, 2019.

Posted: July 2019
Lines of business: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network