Submit only the pertinent medical records for BCN initial inpatient admission requests
To reduce the time it takes us to respond to authorization requests for initial inpatient admissions, Blue Care Network is asking that hospitals limit the clinical information they send.
Please send only the pertinent parts of the medical record. This applies to both Blue Care Network HMOSM (commercial) and BCN AdvantageSM members.
Some hospitals send the member's entire clinical record when the request is submitted. This increases the time we spend responding to the request.
The form is optional now
The parts of the record you should send are outlined on the Request for Review of Initial Inpatient Admission form. We recommend that you use the form as a guide.
Submitting the form itself is optional now. (It was required just recently, but we're changing that.)
Hospitals that continue to submit the entire clinical record will ultimately be required to submit the form.
Accessing the form
The form is located in the BCN section of this website, on the Clinical Review & Criteria Charts page. Look under the heading "Referral/clinical review information."
Posted: June 2017
Line of business: Blue Care Network