How to submit BCN inpatient authorization requests during upcoming holiday closures
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network corporate offices are closed on the following days:
During these holiday closures, BCN's inpatient utilization management area remains available to accept inpatient authorization requests for BCN HMOSM (commercial) and BCN AdvantageSM members.
Here's what you need to know about submitting inpatient authorization requests to BCN when our corporate offices are closed.
Acute initial inpatient admissions. Submit these authorization requests through the e-referral system, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Note: These requests may also be submitted through the X12N 278 Health Care Services Review – Request for Review and Response electronic standard transaction.
Post-acute initial and concurrent admission reviews. Follow the current process you use to submit these requests by fax at 1-866-534-9994.
Other authorization requests. The types of requests listed below must be submitted by fax. For these requests, faxes are processed only Mondays through Friday. They are not processed on weekends or on the holidays on which BCN is closed. Fax BCN HMO (commercial) requests to 1-866-313-8433. Fax BCN Advantage requests to 1-866-526-1326.
Additional information. You can also call the BCN After-Hours Care Manager hotline at 1-800-851-3904 and listen to the prompts for help with the following:
Note: Do not use the after-hours care manager phone number to request authorization for routine inpatient admissions.
Refer to the document Submitting acute inpatient admission requests to BCN for additional information.
As a reminder, when an admission occurs through the emergency room, we ask that you contact the primary care physician to discuss the member's medical condition and coordinate care prior to admitting the member.
Posted: August 2018
Line of business: Blue Care Network