0159T and 0190T codes require clinical review for BCN members even when used as add-on codes
Services associated with procedure codes *0159T and *0190T require clinical review by Blue Care Network even though they are add-on codes. These changes apply to both BCN HMOSM (commercial) and BCN AdvantageSM members.
We had communicated earlier that these codes were among several that no longer required clinical review through eviCore healthcare when used as an add-on codes, as long as a valid authorization is on file for the primary code.
However, because the *0159T and *0190T codes represent services that are experimental and investigational, they do require clinical review by BCN on their own merits even when they are used as an add-on code and a valid authorization is on file for the primary code. This is effective immediately.
Claims will deny when they show one of these codes used as an add-on code and a valid authorization is not on file for both the primary and the add-on code.
* CPT codes, descriptions and two-digit numeric modifiers only are copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Posted: March 2016
Line of business: Blue Care Network