Providers can schedule phone appointments for eviCore clinical consultations on BCN radiology reviews

Providers who want to consult with an eviCore healthcare clinical representative on Blue Care Network radiology authorization requests can now schedule phone appointments online without having to wait on hold. This applies only to radiology services reviewed by eviCore healthcare for BCN HMOSM commercial and BCN AdvantageSM members.

Here's how to schedule an appointment for a phone consultation:

  1. Visit
  2. Click Providers.
  3. In the line "Request Clinical Consultation Online Here," click Here.
  4. In the "Select Health Plan" field, select Blue Care Network.
  5. In the "Select Solution" field, select Radiology.
  6. In the "First name," "Last name," "Email" and "Phone" fields, enter the contact information for the office representative who will set up the appointment.
  7. In the "Select Duration Hours" field, enter the two-hour window of time during which a phone appointment can be scheduled with the eviCore physician.
  8. In the "Message" field, indicate the name of the clinician in the office who wants to talk to the eviCore physician.
  9. Click Submit.

You'll receive a phone call or an email (or both, if you requested both in the "Message" field) that indicates the 15-minute window of time within which the phone appointment is scheduled.

Sometime during that 15 minutes, the eviCore physician will call the clinician whose name you entered in the "Message" field.

Examples of clinical consultations include:

Before this scheduling option was made available, providers had to call eviCore and wait on hold until an eviCore physician was available.

For additional information about reviews performed by eviCore health for BCN commercial and BCN Advantage members, refer to the eviCore-Managed Procedures page in the BCN section at

Posted: April 2017
Line of business: Blue Care Network