Alacura's telephone number has changed, for non-emergency air transport of commercial members
The telephone number for Alacura Medical Transport Management has changed to 1-844-425-2287.
We've updated the Air ambulance flight information (non-emergency) form to reflect the change. The fax number for Alacura is on the form as well; the fax number has not changed.
We're also updating other documents to reflect this change.
Providers should no longer call Alacura at their previous number, which was 1-844-608-3676.
As a reminder, prior authorization by Alacura is required for non-emergency air transport of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan commercial members and Blue Care Network commercial members. You'll find more details about the authorization requirements on the form (linked above).
Posted: April 2021
Lines of business: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and Blue Care Network