Transplant Services

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan manages prior authorizations for solid organ and bone marrow transplant procedures for Blue Cross commercial members through the Human Organ Transplant Program.


  • Cornea and skin transplants don’t require prior authorization.
  • For Medicare Plus BlueSM members, transplants don’t require prior authorization through the Human Organ Transplant Program.

For information about transplant services for Blue Care Network commercial members, see the BCN Transplant Services page.

How to submit prior authorization requests

To learn how to access the e-referral system to submit requests, see our Getting Started page.

For information about entering the prior authorization request for the transplant procedure, see the e-referral User Guide. The pertinent information is in "Section IV: Referrals and Authorizations," in the subsection titled "5. Submit an Outpatient Authorization."

Note: Before submitting a request for a kidney-only transplant, call the Human Organ Transplant team at 1-800-242-3504 to determine member eligibility.

Submit requests before providing services.


Training for the the Human Organ Transplant program

We offer provider training. To learn more, see our Training Tools page.