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Healthy Blue Choices POS: Requirements (Including Prior Authorization)

Authorization requirements

Providers must follow these authorization requirements regardless of whether the Healthy Blue Choices member (dependent) is enrolled at a Michigan address or at an address outside of Michigan.

See the table below for some examples of which authorization rules apply.

Provider's location Healthy Blue Choices member (subscriber or dependent) enrolled address location Provider's network status Which authorization rules apply
Michigan Any state, including Michigan In or out of network BCN referral and authorization requirements for Michigan providers Icon of a PDF for download or viewing in browser.
Any state other than Michigan Any state, including Michigan In or out of network Non-Michigan providers: BCN referral and authorization Requirements Icon of a PDF for download or viewing in browser.

Requirements for selecting a primary care provider

Healthy Blue Choices members enrolled with a Michigan address must select a BCN HMO primary care provider, but they still have the option to seek care from other physicians and specialists without a referral.

Healthy Blue Choices members enrolled with a non-Michigan address don't need an assigned primary care provider. They also don’t need a referral; they just need to see a BlueCard Traditional-participating provider if they want to pay the lower in-network out-of-pocket costs.