icon of a pill with a clock together

Sleep Studies


  • All
  • Blue Cross commercial
  • Medicare Plus Blue
  • BCN commercial
  • BCN Advantage
Setting Details

Blue Care Network requires plan notification to facilitate claims payment or prior authorization for sleep studies as follows.

For BCN commercial members:
  • In the East and Southeast regions, submit plan notification to BCN through the e-referral system to facilitate claims payment (clinical review isn't needed).
  • In the Mid, West and Upper Peninsula regions, plan notification isn't required. Providers don't need to submit anything in the e-referral system.
  • In all regions, prior authorization is required when the provider is out-of-network for the member's plan.
  • Note: Providers who are part of a medical care group must follow the requirements that apply to the region in which the medical care group's headquarters is located.
For BCN Advantage members: Prior authorization is required only when the provider is out of network for the member's plan. Submit requests to BCN through the e-referral system.
In lab For BCN commercial members:
  • For adult members
    • For dates of service on or after Sept. 1, 2023: Submit requests to Carelon Medical Benefits Management.
    • For dates of service before Sept. 1, 2023: Submit requests to BCN through the e-referral system.
  • For pediatric members (17 years of age or younger):
    • In the East and Southeast regions, submit plan notification to BCN through the e-referral system to facilitate claims payment (clinical review isn't needed).
    • In the Mid, West and Upper Peninsula regions, plan notification isn't required. Providers don't need to submit anything in the e-referral system.
    • In all regions, prior authorization is required when the provider is out-of-network for the member's plan.
Note: Providers who are part of a medical care group must follow the requirements that apply to the region in which the medical care group's headquarters is located
For BCN Advantage members:
  • For dates of service on or after Oct. 9, 2023: Prior authorization is required for BCN Advantage members only when the provider is out of network for the member's plan. Submit requests to BCN through the e-referral system.
  • For dates of service before Oct. 9, 2023: Prior authorization is required for all BCN Advantage members. Submit requests to BCN through the e-referral system.
For Blue Cross commercial members: The requirements outlined above don't apply to the UAW Retiree Health Care Trust (group number 70605) or the UAW International Union (group number 71714).

Important: Only providers who have signed a specific sleep testing agreement may provide sleep management services to BCN members. Home sleep study providers can be identified using BCN’s online provider search at on the Find Care page on bcbsm.com. Search for "home sleep testing". For more specific instructions, refer to the document titled Finding home sleep study providers.Icon of a PDF for download or viewing in browser.

How to submit prior authorization requests

To learn how to submit requests, see our Getting Started page.

Submit requests before providing services.

Utilization management criteria

To view, visit our Utilization management criteria page.