Archives 2017

December 2017

Blue Cross PPO inpatient authorization requests submitted through e-referral for group 71575 result in inaccurate instructions

Reminder: New BCN authorization requirements are effective Jan. 1, 2018

eviCore accepting Blue Cross PPO authorization requests starting Dec. 22

Authorization required for additional BCN cardiology procedures effective Jan. 1, 2018

November 2017

Behavioral health medical record documentation requirements apply to all lines of business

October 2017

New BCN authorization requirements are effective Jan. 1, 2018

Tell us what you think about BCN Care Management services – You could win a prize!

e-referral site wins communications awards

Do not refer new patients to MedEQUIP in Ann Arbor

Clarification on Blue Cross inpatient authorization requirements for newborns

We've heard your concerns: We're changing our Medicare Plus BlueSM PPO eviCore requirements for physical therapy

Changes in handling certain behavioral health requests for Medicare Plus Blue PPO members

September 2017

2017 InterQual criteria to be implemented starting October 2

New name for Blue Cross® Physician Choice PPO

Be aware of fall-winter holiday closures when faxing acute inpatient admission requests to BCN

REVISED: Use updated forms for BCN Advantage members being discharged from a hospital stay

ALERT: eviCore call centers may be affected by Hurricane Irma, use online portal

Blue Cross inpatient authorization requirements clarified

August 2017

FAQ on using e-referral system now available for Blue Cross authorization requests

BCN Behavioral Health Physician Review Line daytime number is changing effective August 21

Reminder: 2017 InterQual criteria delayed until October 2017

July 2017

Clarifying authorization requirements for Blue Cross members

Reminder: BCN uses InterQual criteria as guidelines in reviewing acute inpatient medical admissions

June 2017

For BCN and Blue Cross Medicare Plus Blue PPO, use 1-800-437-3803 to reach the Pharmacy Clinical Help Desk

Submit only the pertinent medical records for BCN initial inpatient admission requests

Register now for July e-referral training webinars for Blue Cross authorization requests

Reminder: Effective July 1, additional medical benefit drugs for BCN HMO members are subject to a site-of-care requirement

May 2017

2017 InterQual criteria delayed until October 2017

Blue Care Network changes authorization requirements for sleep management studies

Blue Care Network updates authorization guideline for external ECG monitoring

Effective July 1, additional medical benefit drugs for BCN HMO members are subject to a site-of-care requirement

April 2017

Providers can schedule phone appointments for eviCore clinical consultations on BCN radiology reviews

Be aware of holiday closures when faxing acute inpatient admission requests to BCN

Additional information on RC Claim Assist now available to Blue Cross and BCN providers

March 2017

BCN reviews inpatient readmissions within 14 days effective Jan. 19, 2017

RC Claim Assist tool is now available

January 2017

Use new PT, OT codes when billing BCN for physical and occupational therapy

Hospitals must give BCN Advantage members receiving outpatient observation services the Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice

Obstetrician-gynecologists can refer BCN and BCN Advantage members to specialists